Our Deerfield Beach facility delivers chiropractic care, physical therapy, and occupational therapy tailored to you.
Physical therapy is a type of treatment specific to abnormal physical function. In this case, any injury, disease disability or any condition that impairs the body’s normal physical function is subject to physical therapy. Got the idea, let’s move! In physical therapy, well-trained professionals called physical therapists, usually licensed by the American Physical Therapy Association, evaluate and diagnose physical abnormalities in patients. After evaluation, physical therapists often find ways to restore physical function as well as promote physical activity. Before we delve deep into the mechanics of physical therapy, we need to understand what a physical therapist is.
A physical therapist is a licensed health professional responsible for treating disabilities associated with your body’s whole physical function. Physical therapists are mandated to get a graduate training in physical therapy, sit for an exam and graduate with a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) from an accredited higher educational institution. Should you ever need physical therapy, your physical therapist will diagnose your condition and create a healthcare plan that solves your problem.
In some states, an aspirant must take an additional state exam in order to earn a license. Once a physical therapist has a license, you can consult him or her without a referral from the doctor. Physical therapists, or PTs, are responsible for hands-on treatments of your physical symptoms. They also suggest special exercises that may help your body move or function better.
While a PT can’t replace your doctor, they liaise with doctors and other health professionals before treating their patients. Working close with a PT will get you feeling better after a physical malaise or disability. A PT is allowed to have an assistant; they are also trained in the many diverse ways of physical treatments.
In most cases, a patient does not need a doctor’s intervention before meeting with a physical therapist. Physical therapists are trained to treat patients in every phase of healing. They can run initial diagnosis, take on restorative phases of recovery as well as suggest preventive courses for the patients.
On the other hand, some patients may be referred to a physical therapist by their doctors. Whichever be the case, patients should expect the following during a visit to the physical therapist:
Physical therapy can fix all of the following problems:
True, physical therapy depends on what you’re treating. In the same vein, you can benefit greatly from the treatment. Here are the most important benefits of physical therapy:
Our physical therapists in Deerfield Beach are trained and licensed to examine, evaluate, diagnose, and treat impairment, functional limitations, and disabilities in patients.
Our entire staff is dedicated to helping you feel better. Our compassionate and educated chiropractors will work with you every step of the way.
Results of an injury can vary from person to person, so it is important to speak with our wonderful staff to see how we can help you. Our number one goal is to help you feel better.
If you have any questions regarding physical therapy or occupational therapy, contact us today at (954) 428-4707.